Greater Memphis Music Teachers Association, past president.
Germantown-Collierville Paino Teachers Association, past president
Member of the Tennessee Music Teacher Association, past- president, past Independent Music Teachers Chair, Wellness Chair, 2020 TMTA Conference Chair.
Music Teachers National Association, board member 2010-2011
- Progressive Private Music Studio for thirty-four years, ages 5 –85
- Adult Recreational Music Maker Class Instructor at Amro music store
- Adjudicator – local and state piano competitions
- Published reviews and articles in the American Music Teacher's Magazine
- Creates, organizes, and presents teacher education forums at a local music store
- Presenter of educational programs across the state and at the National Music Teachers conference.
- Substitute Pianist/Organist for area churches
- Briarcrest School Music Conservatory Teacher
- Developed and Facilitated piano teaching programs at Christ the Rock Academy and Bronblum Jewish Community School
- Choir Director for Children's Choir at Hope church
- The Keyboard Place Music Store Manager and established a teaching program.
- State Representative – National Music Link Program
- Facilitator for Power of Piano Music Enrichment Program - City of Memphis
- Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau MO
Other Related Training
- Online courses to stay with the current music trends
- Business and Teaching Workshops
- University of Kentucky- Lexington Keyboard Technology Classes
- State and National Conferences
Music Educator Walk of Fame Recipient
Teacher of the Year - Greater Memphis Music Teachers
Distinguished Service Award - Tennessee State Music Teachers Association
Music Teachers National Association Fellow
A few pictures of my professional journey.
Amro’s Music Educator
Walk of Fame Recipient
Great concert featuring Jim Brickman
Music Teachers National Fellowship Award

Foundation Fellow

Ingrid Clarfield at the State Conference in Chattanooga.
Greater Memphis Music Teachers Association
Tennessee Music Teachers Association